The Eden project is situated in an old china clay pit,
between the towns of Lostwithiel and St. Austell, Cornwall. Famous for
its two giant biomes, the rainforest biome and the mediterranean biome,
actually 75% of the plants are in the outside gardens.The figures for
this project are massive, the rainforest biome being 240m long, 110m wide
and 50m high with over 1,129 different species, temperatures ranging from
18C to 35C with an average temperature of 24C and an average humidity
of 90%. In many respects, the smaller Mediterranean Biome is our favourite
with its variety of plants from the mediterranean. South Africa and California.
Many of these can be grown in our own mild south-west gardens but not
on such a luxurious scale. To learn more about this world famous project
visit the Eden project website.
Eden Panoramic View
of the 2 Biomes |